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Year of the Horse - Traits, meaning and years explained
If you were born in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, or 2026, congratulations, you're a Horse! But what does that mean exactly?
Maria Cherazica
Mar 22, 20232 min read

Rihanna’s zodiac sign proves she was destined to perform at the Super Bowl 2023
The Pisces Earth Dragon has the potential to be terribly successful in any number of different spheres.
Maria Cherazica
Feb 12, 20232 min read

What zodiac sign is financially lucky? Find out if it’s yours
The year you were born determines what Chinese zodiac animal you are, which can influence your ambitions and how financially lucky you are.
Maria Cherazica
Feb 10, 20233 min read

Chinese Year of the Pig - What the zodiac sign means and how to find out what you are
The Pig year, or Boar year, is the twelfth animal in the Chinese zodiac. This is a direction associated with being hardworking and honest.
Maria Cherazica
Jan 9, 20232 min read
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